About French International School of Bucharest (EFI)
French International School of Bucharest (EFI) is a new international school which opened in September 2019. This year, the school will open classes ranging from pre-kindergarden (3 years old) to year 2 (8 years old). The school will gradually open additional classes until the end of secondary school with the French Baccalaureate Examination.
EFI Bucarest combines French academic excellence and the dynamism of anglo-saxon and international schools. This combination of the best of two worlds is a unique pedagogical model. Supported by leading French institutions, EFI Bucharest belongs to the Odyssey School Network, whose founders are pioneers in bilingual education in France and recognised for their track record in introducing educational innovation such as active learning.
All Odyssey schools are operated in accordance with their fundamental principles regarding academic methods and accomplishment which are based on caring and openness.
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Primary Language
3 to 11
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More Info >9 Reviews of French International School of Bucharest (EFI)
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How would you rate French International School of Bucharest (EFI)?
Overpriced, poor standards. Staff changing every year.
Very good school with a multilingual French/English education. Teachers who listen to our children and give them personalized attention. I am very satisfied.
Excelenta scoala cu activitati de foarte buna calitate. Foarte bun nivel de invatarea limbilor straine : franceza (limba de scolarizare), engleza, romana. Un foarte performant dispozitiv de invatamant la distanta pe perioada necesara. Situare georgrafica excelenta - central, accesibil. Scolarizeaza elevi de gradinita si scoala primara. Vor continua cu gimnaziu si liceu. Scoala acreditata de ministerul eduatiei din Franta - diplome (brevet si bac) eliberate de MEN Franta. Bravo si succes!!
EFI Bucarest - excelenta scoala franceza din centrul Bucurestului. Scoala acreditata de MEN Franta. Invatamant trilingv. Diplome acordate de MEN Franta. Profesori nativi si calificati - franceza, engleza, romana. Excelenta relatia cu comunitatea parintilor. Deschidere internationala prin actiunile derulate, prin faptul ca face parte din reteaua scolilor franceze dezvoltate de Grupul francez Odyssey (EFI Bruxelles, EFI Casablanca si EFI Bucuresti)
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Pierrette Echard, 9 months ago
EFI is a valuable school which promotes not only French culture but also multicultural values and different languages.