Colegio Mas Camarena Reviews (6)

Average Ratings

Overall 1.83
Facilities 1.67
Academics 1.00
Teachers 1.67
Sports 1.67
Music & Arts 0.67
Science & Tech 0.67

Reviewer Nationalities

Lithuanian (1) Canadian (1) Spanish (1)

How would you rate Colegio Mas Camarena?

SR, 08/07/2021 @ 18:55:49
Relationship   Teacher

Music & Arts

Más Camarena has a good reputation for facilities, equipment, subjects offered etc, but it is a business first and foremost. They have smaller schools in Valterna and Canet. Canet is a beautiful town, near the beach, really pretty. The school itself is fine, the students are nice to work with and it has up to date technology. Like all Más Camarena schools there is a culture of every teacher being out for eachother. Telling tales about staff members is the norm to a really large extent. In general those who tell the most tales are favoured by the management. Being a good teacher is not at all what they want, they want robots who will simply follow a plan made somewhere else. If you want to be an amazing and creative teacher, go somewhere else. They don't have any time for weaker children and will deliberately leave them fall behind unless parents pay for support classes, this the reason for mediocre teachers, it's better for business. The management team is comprised of sycophants, crawlers and people who are generally incompitant at anything other than bowing and scraping to the owner. The principal of the school, which is a primary and secondary multilingual, has never taught in either level, nor does she speak anything other than Spanish. She is unqualified, ignorant, arrogant and a horrible person. Most of the time she has the appearance of a crow looking into an empty packet of crisps when anything to do with education is mentioned, she has no idea, again a sycophant and supplicant. In general management policy is 'act now, look for facts later' which leads to disasters that they never acknowledge or apologise for. In one sense it is fine if you just want to get experience and move on, in another sense it is a microcosm of Spanish society, you can really learn a lot about how it works here. As far as exams are concerned they are terribly easy. Children also do Cambridge exams for a grade lower, so they all pass. Although it is a Cambridge Preparation centre, none of the teachers are trained by Cambridge. If grades look to be too low, they are increased to keep parents, who are essentially clients happy. There is a secondary level and the same happens there routinely but this depends on the students. It is a Spanish school so they don't do GCSEs as in the UK. Teachers complain about the weaker ones but offer no solutions. There is no CPD or any other training of real quality. Other petty things playground duties, the amount you do will depend on how you are viewed by the management. If you come from the UK to work here, bear in mind Spanish working culture, ignorance towards workers rights and a toxic work culture.

Reviews from Google

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C.E. Mas Camarena, in the last week

Estimado L gracias por su reseña: El equipo psicopedagógico de Mas Camarena, se compone, además de psicólogos de una logopeda, un orientados de ciclos de FP, dos orientadores universitarios. El resto son psicólogos para trabajar los programas de atención a la diversidad, el programa de incorporación al bilingüismo. Se apoyan además con los profesores de apoyo y los profesores de español para extranjeros. Todos son coordinados por la Jefa del Departamento.

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Yuri van der Sluis, 6 months ago

Don't be mislead by socalled reputation and lists. This school has a lot of status, but lacks education quality and most of all integrity. If you are not Spanish, I can highly recommend you to go elsewhere. They WILL treat you bad and take advantage of the fact you may not know all the rules. They will take your money if they can. This is not about education, but about maximizing profit at the expense of kids. Looking for high level education? Go for quality not the perception or status of quality.

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pedro garcia, in the last week

Mala experiencia con este colegio.Todo es un buen marketing montado alrededor de este centro.Te prometen que tu hijo va a tener un super nivel pero aquí el que vale vale y si no fuera (son muy humildes y en las reuniones te darás cuenta).Eres una matrícula entre tantas.Ahora ya responden a reseñas últimamente porque hay padres hartos que les sacan los colores.Si decides inscribir a tu hijos ya os daréis cuenta como se las gastan aquí.Es época de matriculaciones, claro son pomposos y humildes.Hasta incluso quieren mejorar.Cuando inscribas a tus hijos ya convivirás con esta dulzura. Nosotros ya nos dimos cuenta y los quitamos.Nada recomendable.Venga..ahora responderme que vais a mejorar y que lo sentís mucho.Que cara.

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